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UX / UI: The 7 most common mistakes in design

Writer's picture: FTMgraphicsFTMgraphics

Whether you are new to UX / UI (experience / user interface), everyone makes mistakes.

But this is not inevitable !

By identifying the most common mistakes and being careful not to replicate them, you can avoid wasted time, or even customers that you would pass.

For this purpose, here are 7 common mistakes that UX / UI designers usually make, to learn from the others mistakes.

1. Forgeting about the specifications

The job of designer is captivating and we would sometimes like to let our creativity speak to his maximum to invent unique user experiences.

But we must not forget that we work for a client who has specific goals and targets.

Be sure to match the specifications with the latter upstream to avoid changes along the way and stick to it.

There is nothing worse than a design that we were proud of but that does not work because the interface is not adapted to the user (we will come back to it).

2. Targeting the perfection from the beginning

In UX, there is experience. And as in any experiments, we must try before making hasty conclusions.

Do not try to tweak your design in the smallest details from the beginning, so start by testing your interface with your target audience via prototypes.

Good to know

With these returns, you will discover how they use it and can improve it as you experiment.

Once done, nothing will stop you from pampering your baby to the pixel. But do not forget that the common point between UX and UI is the user.

It must be at the center of your concerns.

3. Not cleverly gauge aesthetics and functionality

How many beautiful projects have been dumped because they were too complicated to use?

Also, there are countless ultra-functional projects whose aestheticism was passable (or, let's say it between us, downright ugly).

This is the art of the designer: find the meeting point between ergonomic use and aesthetics pleasing to the eye.

From this balance depends the success of all your projects.

4. Neglecting the responsive design

Since July 1, 2019 all new sites are indexed using the mobile-first index, it becomes essential to ensure that the mobile version of your site is licked like a cat doing its toilet: carefully and in the details.

Well differentiate the desktop and mobile version of your site, so that each is perfectly adapted to the device used.

5. Working for robots

It is undeniable that the natural referencing (or SEO) is important for your site. If no one can find it, nobody will be able to visit.

But if you do not pay enough attention to the user, he will not stay long.

Find the right balance between google-friendly and captivating content for your visitors.

6. Watch out for plagiarism!

As you are a serious designer, you certainly do a regular watch of the latest trends in the field.

> It is tempting sometimes to take inspiration or even to copy some finds made by your counterparts, but be careful.

> Make sure these items are not protected by copyright and if so, ask permission from their owners.

7. Do not become obtrusive

Whether to give a note to your application or for geolocation data for example, requesting an authorization at the launch of the application or out of context may encounter a large number of refusals.

Give your users time to get an idea of the application and ask them for permission only when they need it.

Only then they will be more inclined to give you their opinion or access to the device features.

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