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Pixar has compiled all the easter eggs from its films in one video

Writer's picture: FTMgraphicsFTMgraphics

Pixar films are all small masterpieces that take years of work and in which creators often have fun hiding little references to other films. They're called easter eggs and fans generally love to go on a quest, paying attention to all the details.

But this quest is very difficult, so we appreciate the Pixar kind gesture to have gathered all its easter eggs in a single video that the company shared on its Twitter last April 12. you’ll realize that you really need to have an eye and a perfect knowllege of the Pixar universe to spot them all.

We therefore learn, if you did not already know, that all Pixar films are linked together by the presence of objects or characters in at least one scene. The best known of the easter eggs is undoubtedly the presence of a clown fish plush in the film “Monsters & Co.” released in 2001: a discreet way of announcing what the next film will be, here reference to “Nemo's World” released in 2003.

And if you are a Pixar fan, then we invite you to (re) discover the film Kitbull on the improbable friendship between a mistreated dog and a stray kitten or Purl which stages a ball of wool that experiences sexism in business .

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