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Inspiration: 25 logos diverted creatively

Writer's picture: FTMgraphicsFTMgraphics

The more a brand is known, the more its logo is recognized. Who doesn't know the appearance of the logo of Apple, that of Red Bull or Facebook?

Some graphic designers are so creative that they are ready to tackle these world-famous logos and divert them, sometimes in a humorous way to denounce a dark truth or simply to give them another brand image.

Today, I propose a small selection of re-imagined logos, maybe it will give you ideas?

Apple, or how to make an apple more artistic

This famous apple has been diverted dozens and dozens of times. For the launch of the iPad Pro, no less than 350 different versions of the Apple logo have been created by artists.

Illustrations, 3D, flat design ... everything was allowed. Here is a little preview :

Emojis conquering logos

Emojis are used everywhere: on social networks, in our messages and even in newsletters. So why not integrate them into the logos?

The Instagram account of Logoji seems to be inactive today but you can find logos of big brands that have been hijacked with emojis. The result is sometimes more true than nature.

Logos diverted to denounce?

Logo hijacking can be used to parody certain brands. The most famous such as Samsung, Starbucks and McDonald's have paid the price. Check out some of the creations of Swedish Viktor Hertz.

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