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Careers at Halon Entertainment: Production Coordinator and a Senior Animators.

Studio’s Santa Monica headquarters has a number of job openings, including Previs/Postvis and Unreal Game Engine Artists, and is currently looking for talent to join their industry leading visualization services team.

Halon Entertainment, one of the entertainment industry’s leading full-service visualization companies, is currently hiring for a number of open spots at their Santa Monica, California studio, including Senior Animators and a Production Coordinator and well as Previs / Postvis and Unreal Game Engine Artists.

Founded in 2003 by Daniel Gregoire, Halon brings together industry leading Directors, Supervisors and Artists who are committed to advancing the art of storytelling. Halon projects are supported by a technology team that provides a state-of-the-art platform of cutting-edge technology, to help clients realize their creative vision on screen.

With headquarters in Santa Monica and operations in Vancouver and London, Halon employs a core team of artists specializing in Storyboarding, Pitchvis, Previs, Postvis, Techvis, VFX, and Game Cinematics. The studio employs dedicated teams of artists, customizable and scalable, to meet the specific needs of any production, ensuring creative continuity from start to finish.

As part of a new video series highlighting inside looks at different artistic careers at Halon and the exciting projects they’re working on, Alex Johnson talks about her work as a production coordinator. Visit Halon on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to learn more about the studio that, for 16 years, has advanced the art of storytelling on projects like X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Aquaman and The Orville.

Here are Halon’s handles:

Instagram: @halonentertainment

Facebook: @HALONEntertainment

Twitter: @halonprevis

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